By: Tom | February 12, 2018

Truck spraying
Mosquito control truck spraying insecticide into the air

Mosquito control districts or local government departments track mosquito populations to learn where viruses, like Zika or West Nile, are spreading in a community. Spraying insecticides from a truck is one way to safely kill mosquitoes in an area, especially when people in the community are getting sick from mosquito bites. There are different types of sprayers that can be put on a truck.

Truck spraying is used to:

Š Control and reduce the number of mosquitoes that can spread viruses. 

Š Reduce your chances of getting infected with viruses.

What are mosquito control trucks spraying? 

Mosquito control trucks spray very small amounts of insecticide into the air to kill mosquitoes. This spray is a fine mist that acts as a fogger in the a...